Just because we rescue animals doesn't mean that we have more time and money than the next person.
Just because we rescue animals doesn't mean that we can perform miracles and turn that horribly aggressive or horribly abused dog around into beautiful family dogs like they were born to be.
Sometimes we can't save the dog and the outcome isn't the outcome we all dream about.
What people don't see about animal rescuers is:

Laundry that needs done
Bills that need to be paid
A full time job that is extremely demanding
Errands that have to be run
Our own animals that take the back seat to all the animals in need
Our family who takes a back seat to all the animals in need
Health issues, either ours or a member of our family
Financial struggles
Cars that need oil changes, new tires, etc.
Dentist appointments
Doctor appointments
The lawn that needs mowed
The friend's wedding we are in
The baby shower we're planning
The close family member or friend who has passed away
We are JUST LIKE YOU!!! The only difference is we have an overwhelming calling that we can't ignore to help those who can't help themselves. So when someone calls and says "COME AND GET THIS DOG NOW," that means we are leaving our significant other sitting alone in a restaurant with a 1/2 eaten meal in the empty seat next to them while we rush to help whatever animal needs us next.
That means we have to NOT piss off our paying job by finding someone to help while we are at work and then RUSH out of work right at 5pm to step in. It means that we don't get our laundry done, we don't get our house as clean as we want it, we don't eat dinner until 10pm at night and we go to work tired the next day. All because we have to COME RIGHT NOW!
And to top it all off WE ARE NOT PAID ONE DIME! NOT ONE CENT! And, in the long run we usually lose more money than some people make in a year!
So the next time you are angry because a rescue person can't help, or needs help, or the outcome of an animal that you donated money to doesn't come out with a fairytale ending that you hoped for stop and think COULD YOU DO WHAT WE DO?
I've heard people complain, "Oh, that poor dog shouldn't be in a kennel for 8 hours a day while the foster is at work or that dog shouldn't be in a foster home for so long; it should already be in a forever home". Think of it this way. Someone sacrificed A LOT so that "poor" animal could be there, alive! And NO it isn't perfect, but it is temporary and necessary.
The alternative is certain death....Which do you think the dog would prefer?
(Adapted from an Animal Anarchy Rescue's FB post)
Word !