2 days of flying
8 days of traveling
8 states
$45+ in tolls
2,011 miles driven
59 Rock City Rescue dogs
One amazing, unforgettable trip!
I am beyond thankful for every single one of you that I met along my journey. You made this trip one that I will truly never forget and one I cannot wait to do again! When I first began working with my local kill-shelter here in Arkansas, my mission was simple: rescue those dogs from their inevitable fate. I never thought about all the families that would be forever changed by one sweet, Arkansas dog.
That's something I heard, over and over, throughout my trip. How I changed individuals' and families' lives, healed broken hearts, brought joy where it had been lost. I needed that, as much as these families needed love and joy. Rescue is an emotional roller coaster, like none other. It's exhausting and never ending. It takes and takes and rarely gives back all that it's taken. This trip was extremely cathartic for me and despite the lack of rest and relaxation, it was a journey of reconnection.
From seeing dogs I rescued 4 years ago to seeing dogs I rescued 2 months ago, dogs who have been diagnosed with cancer and I wasn't sure I'd ever get to see again, dogs who I fought for in court, dogs I watched fight for their lives through parvo , dogs that were split up at the kill shelter only to be reunited and adopted together a thousand miles away from where their journey began. Seeing them again, knowing they're happy and safe, knowing I found families who love them, makes it all worth it to me.
So, thank you to every single one of you that took time out of your busy lives to meet with me and thank you to everyone who opened up their homes to me. You made this trip incredibly special for me and the 59 pups I got to see again. And, who knows, hopefully in a few years, I'll get to do this all over again!
"In every dog - and possibly every donkey, kangaroo, or dolphin, there is a chance, often far more than one, for grace, forgiveness and recovery" (Braitman, "Animal Madness").